We have moved. For the most current information, visit the California Energy Consumption Dashboards on the CEC website.
This website is not being updated and will be closed by July 1, 2025. Please update your bookmarks. For questions, please contact Julianne.Alontave@energy.ca.gov.
The California Energy Commission has created this on-line database for informal reporting purposes using numerous electricity and natural gas consumption data sources.
Users can generate reports showing the amount of energy consumed by geographical area, sector (residential, commercial, industrial) classifications. The database also provides easy downloading of energy consumption data into Microsoft Excel (XLSX) and comma-separated values (CSV) file formats.
For further information about electricity consumption, please contact Julianne.Alontave@energy.ca.gov. For information about natural gas consumption, please contact Cam-Giang.Nguyen@energy.ca.gov. Members of the news media should contact the Energy Commission’s Media and Public Communications Office at 916-654-4989.